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International Missions Reports

A great hunger for God`s word in Greenland!

International Missions Reports Posted on Wed, February 16, 2011 19:36

Greenland missionary Yngvar W Andersen and evangelist Asbjørn Skjortnes.

And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached throughout the world, as a testimony to all nations, and then shall the end come. (Matthew 24:14)

It was with great curiosity and excitement I planned to go on a mission trip to Greenland together with the earlier Greenland Missionary Yngvar W. Andersen. It was wonderful to travel with one, who knew the conditions in Greenland so well.

Aqqalu Berthelsen was our interpreter. He is an accomplished Bible teacher who lives in Nuuk.
Greenland is known as the world’s largest island. It has an area of 2,176,000 square kilometers. The island is the home to a total of approx. 57 000 inhabitants. The capital is Nuuk (Godthab), where about. 17 000 people live. There is considerable social deprivation in Greenland including a lot of alcoholism, suicide and involvement in the occult.

The miracles already began in Kangerlussuaq.

The trip went from Copenhagen to Kangerlussuaq. When we arrived at the airport in Kangerlussuaq, Yngvar began to witness to a man in his 30s who came from Iceland. He had severe pain in his back. We prayed for him and he was instantly healed, the pain disappeared and he was really surprised and amazed at the power of God. Yngvar gave the man an address to a pastor in Iceland, which he promised to contact.

We went from there to Ilulissat where we stayed. The associate pastor, named Joseph, came and visited ut. He had reduced hearing on both of his ears. We praied the prayer of faith for him and his ears were instantly healed. He was very happy and excited and decided to arrange a healing meeting on Tuesday next week when we came back to his city again.


In Upernavik we had house meetings where we taught the Word of God about church planting, leadership and also prayed for the sick. Several were healed. One woman was instantly healed of severe pain in her shoulders and back. We also held revival meetings in the community hall where people were saved and many were healed.

We also experienced to be stopped in the street and invited to pray for a couple who were sick. They were healed and would also give their lives to the Lord.
In Upernavik, there is no church, but Tom and Susanne Ostermann has taken the responsibility to collect the new believers in their home. The goal is to establish a church.

Big hunger for the word of God in Greenland.


International Missions Reports Posted on Wed, February 16, 2011 19:15

Prayer for the sick in Greenland.

We came to Kullorsuaq by helicopter. Pastor Niels Nielsen welcomed us with some of his congregation. They had started to build their own local church, but it was not yet ready so the meetings were held at the home of the pastor. It was a great hunger for God’s Word. The meetings began at 19.00 in the evening and continued until about 02.00. o`clock at night. We taught about the believers privileges and rights in Christ and about the function of the local church. There were many new believers present in the meetings and many were instantly healed of pain in the back, neck, shoulders and some were delivered of anxiety and fear. A child who was three years old with severe stomach pain was instantly healed and stopped crying.

We ended the meetings by praying for the church and urged them to reach more places with the gospel.

A hunter by the name Abel had been saved only one year. He was so excited after hearing the teaching, that he decided to travel 400 kilometers with his dogs -to Thule, Greenland’s northernmost city to reach them with the gospel and plant churches.


Many people were saved and healed in Greenland.

On the way home we held a healing meeting in one of the churches in the city. Many people were saved and healed. The people received the Word of Christ and God healed people instantly on a large scale in front of our eyes. This is a church that lives in the revival and was started by a Danish missionary couple, the Nederby Jessen family for more than 10 years ago. I am grateful for what the Lord has done on this trip, so many people have been saved and healed.

God is good and the revival goes forth in Greenland.