The picture above: Evangelist Asbjørn Skjortnes preaches the gospel in Latvia.
Asbjorn Skjortnes visited again Latvia from the 19th to the 21st of August 2011. This time he visited the following churches: “Latvia Pentecostal Church” in the city Aizpute where Guntis and Inga Engelis are the pastor couple, “Living Word Church” in Pziekule where Andis and Elena Riepsa are the pastor couple and “Emmanuel Pentecostal Church” in the city of Liepaja, where Anatoly and Tatyana Guk are the pastor couple.
The message of the Cross of Jesus Christ was preached simply and clearly in the meetings and the Lord confirmed the word with the accompanying signs. The preaching also challenged people to reach out more to unbelievers with the gospel.
God’s grace and love touched many people to salvation and healings. In total, over 30 people said yes to the invitation to accept Jesus as their saviour these days.
One woman testified that she had received back her sight after prayer. She demonstrated this by telling us exactly what the clock that hung on the wall showed.
A young girl received her hearing back in one ear after the prayer.
Many testified that the neck and back pain disappeared and crooked backs straightened up and legs that were too short grew out.
Luba was healed after more than 10 years of pain. The picture above: Luba from Liepaja, Latvia witnesses with joy of her recovery from neck and back pain. She has been suffering with pains for over 10 years after an accident.
Luba came to the meeting at Emmanuel Pentecostal Church in Liepaja. The congregation consists of both Latvian and Russian Christians. It was fantastic to experience the unity that existed between the believers, regardless of nationality.
After an accident for over 10 years ago, Luba had constant pain in the neck and back. She went regularly to the doctor to get strong pain medications and injections to endure everyday life. One encounter with Jesus on Sunday afternoon in the Emmanuel Pentecostal Church was life-changing. After the prayer all the pain in her body was gone, her back straightened and the suffering she had had for over 10 years was over. Luba testified about God’s goodness (see picture above) and praised God for what He had done in her life this afternoon. The power of the gospel was revealed in Liepaja.
Asbjorn Skjortnes will continue to visit churches in Latvia for a weekend a month. This autumn he will also have meetings in Ukraine and Russia.
Pray that God’s kingdom will prosper so that the churches can continue to grow in Europe.