Picture above: Asbjørn Skjortnes preached the gospel in the Living Word Church in Jurmala, Latvia.

Evangelist Asbjørn Skjortnes visited Latvia from the 11th to the 13th of February 2011. This time he visited Ventspils Christian Centre where Jonas Dudovis is pastor and the Living Word Church in Jurmala, where Leonid Filimonov is pastor. Altogether, 52 people have been saved and many also testified of healing.

Picture above: Many people came forward on the invitation of salvation at the meeting in Jurmala, Latvia

Many drug addicts were saved.

In the church in Ventspils, several drug addicts were saved. A drug addict who accepted Jesus as his savior at the meeting, was also at the same time instantly healed from severe pain in his legs. He danced around and praised the Lord .Another drug addict in the same meeting, found that after he accepted Jesus as his savior his back pain disappeared.

Picture above: Asbjørn Skjortnes prays for the sick.

Many sick were healed.

Many sick testified of healings in each meeting. One woman was able to lift her arm after prayer, she had had severe pain in her arm for several years. After prayer her arm worked normally.
Many testified that back- and neck pain disappeared after prayer and legs that were too short grew out.
The focus of the preaching this weekend was “The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation and healing for all who believe”. In every meeting the Lord confirmed the word with the accompanying signs. God’s grace and mercy was manifested in the meetings and the churches were strengthened in the faith.

Asbjørn Skjortnes will continue to travel to Latvia and have meetings in cooperation with local churches for a weekend each month. In addition to Latvia there will be meetings in Lille, France in April and in the autumn in Ukraine and Russia.

Please pray that the churches will continue to grow to the glory of God.