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International Missions Reports

The Glory of God was revealed unto salvation and healing in Ukraine and Russia!

International Missions Reports Posted on Sun, November 27, 2011 22:45

Photo above: Asbjørn Skjortnes preaches the Gospel in “The New Testament Church”, Perm , Russia

Evangelist Asbjørn Skjortnes visited Ukraine and Russia in November 2011. First he visited the ” Rock of the Salvation Church” in Kraylov, Ukraine from the 5th to the 8th of November. Yura and Natalia Pasichnyk are the pastorcouple of this church. Asbjørn has visited this church before. People in this church expresses a lot of warmth and love for people and they have a vision to reach new people with the Gospel. Then from the 11th to the 13th of November Asbjørn visited “The New Testament Church ” in Perm, Russia. Here Edward and Larissa Grabovenko are the pastor couple.

Edward Grabovenko is Head Bishop of the Russian Church of Chrisitans of Evangelical Faith. The New Testament Church has around 4000 members. On Sundays they have to have three Church services to accomodate all meeting visitors in the great Palace of Culture, which the church has puchased. They have also founded 200 other churches in their region and have a vision to start 400 new churches around Russia.

Photoes above; “The New Testament Church”

Many saved.

The focus of the preaching of evangelist Asbjørn Skjortnes was that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and for ever. What Jesus did for people in the Bible days, He will do for people today. Asbjørn inspires the congregation to get involved in church planting and to reach new people with the Gospel. During these days about 150 people said yes to Jesus as their savior . Many testified about their healings; neck and leg pain disappeared after prayer, people experienced that too short legs grew out and backs straightende ut. Others testified that they were cured of pain.

A woman could walk without her crutches after prayer

Asbjørn also prayed for the sick between the meetings. In one occasion he was invited home to a couple who belonged to th “Rock of the Salvation Church”. The woman in the house had been bedridden for about a year because she was paralyzed . After prayer she got up out of bed and walked without crutches ( see photos above). It was a miracle that moved many. Another woman was healed of major back pain. After prayer she went normally without her crutches. A man with severe pain in the right shoulder felt that the pain disappeared after prayer, he managed to lift the arm without any problems. A woman who had severe pain in her arms was instantly healed after prayer and lifted her arms and the pain was gone. A man who had been blind in one eye for about 8 years, saw clearly after prayer. Another man with vey limited vision testified that he saw clearly after prayer.

Church planting

In ” The New Testament Church”, there were so many sick people present during the meetings that eventually it was not possible to lay hands on each and everyone, therefore Asbjørn prayed a mass prayer for all the sick. God confirmed the Word with the accompanying signs and every where people lifted their hands in the air to indicate that they had been healed during the mass prayer. God`s love and mercy unto salvation and healing was obvious to many people in Ukraina and Russia to the glory of God.

Evangelist Asbjørn Skjortnes will continue his mission trips next year in Latvia, Ukraine and Russia and he will be involved with the local pastors to plant new churches.

Churches in Latvia continues to grow, many people saved during a weekend.

International Missions Reports Posted on Wed, October 05, 2011 21:59

Picture above: Evangelist Asbjørn Skjortnes and pastor couple Kaspar and Tatyana Roschin from “Grace Church”, Jelgava.

Evangelist Asbjørn Skjortnes visited churches in Latvia from the 23. to the 25. of September 2011. He visited the following churches: “Grace Church” in Jelgava, where Kaspar and Tatyana Roschin are the pastor couple, “Good News Church” in Riga, where Andrey and Zinaida Chebotarev are the pastor couple and “Living Word Church” in Jurmala and Kalnciems where Leonid and Galina Filimonov are the pastor couple.

The focus of the preaching this weekend was on God’s Gospel of Grace. In all the meetings people were saved and healed. In total, 47 people said yes to Jesus. It was also wonderful to see that several drug addicts came to the meetings and received Jesus as their savior.

During the meetings were wonderful testimonies from people who experienced God’s healing power. Many testified of healings from back, neck, leg and abdominal pains. The pains disappeared after prayer. Some also saw that too short legs grew out.

A lady healed from severe pain and suffering that she had had in more than 30 years.

Picture above: The woman raises her hands and praises the Lord for healing from suffering and pain that she has had for over 30 years.

A woman who arrived at the meeting in Jelgava told that she had had great pain and suffering in the neck, back and legs for over 30 years. She was so troubled that it was difficult for her to walk forward for prayer. After the prayer all her aches and pains were gone. Many people in the meeting were moved when she lifted her hands and praised the Lord for healing (see photo above).

Asbjorn Skjortnes also taught the churches how to reach the non believers with God’s gospel of grace. It was great to see the response to the message. Several people in the churches brought non believers in the meetings and they were saved!

Asbjorn Skjortnes continues the meetings in Latvia for a weekend a month. In November, he also travels to Ukraine and Russia.

Pray that God’s gospel of grace expands so that the churches will continue to grow.

Church planting in Latvia.

International Missions Reports Posted on Wed, October 05, 2011 21:44

The picture above: Pastor Leonid and Galina Filimonov and evangelist Asbjørn Skjortnes

In 2006 evangelist Asbjørn Skjortnes was introduced to pastor and church founder Leonid Filimonov, through his brother in law Kjell Lie`s emergency relief work in Latvia . Kjell who now is home with the Lord did a wonderful work in Latvia. Leonid Filimonov is married to Galina and they have three children, all active in church work. He was born in Ukraina in 1965 and God called him to service in 1978. His father was a pastor, and Leonid helped him in the service and preached in various churches in Ukraine. In 1984, Leonid came to Latvia, where he was appointed to be a deacon in the church. Since he was appointed to be a youth pastor in Jelgava and then to be the second pastor.

Leonid has been involved in starting many new churches in Latvia.

From 1990, Leonid has been involved in starting nine new churches from scratch in these towns: Iecava, Eleja, Kalnciems, Jurmala, Jaunolaine, Saurieshi, Riga, Liepaja and Lielvarde. Some churches was started together with his brother Vasily, some when he was a bishop and some with other people by his direction. These churches are now autonomous with their own pastors and leadership. Leonid now serves as pastor of two churches, in Jurmala and in Kalnciems. In addition, he frequently organizes evangelistic meetings with the intent to plant new churches. In the beginning the congregation in Jurmala rented a cinema where they arranged meetings, then they hired a school.

New laws in Latvia

An amandment made it no longer possible to hold religious meetings in public buildings. So they had to build their own church building outside of Jurmala in 2004. Now in addition the church wants to build a suitable premises for their children`s work. This is a great need since the church is growing and new families have been saved and added to the church. If you want to support Leonid in realizing this vision, you can give your gift via Follow Jesus Ministries and mark with “church planting Latvia”.

Fruitful cooperation between the ministry gifts.

The picture above: Evangelist Asbjørn Skjortnes preaches the Gospel of grace in “Living Word Church” in Kalnciems.

Leonid and evangelist Asbjørn Skjortnes has had a fruitful collaboration in which many people have been saved, healed , and the focus has always been on planting and building new churches.

Together they have travelled in various cities and towns in Latvia: Riga, Olaine, Jelgava, Daugavpils, Ventspils, Liepaja, Dobele, Kalnciems, Jurmala, Iecava, Eleja and Bauska. Leonid has organized evangelistic services for Asbjørn with the intent to see many people saved and plant new churches. Everywhere, many people have been saved and healed and the churches have grown and been strengthened in the faith to the Lord`s glory. Pastors Leonid and Galina Filimonov still have a vision that many more churches will be planted in Latvia, so that people can be harvested into the Kingdom of God.

Evangelist Asbjørn Skjortnes will continue to have monthly meetings in Latvia. Please pray that still many people will be saved so that the churches will continue to grow.

Strong miracles in Latvia!

International Missions Reports Posted on Sun, September 04, 2011 16:42

The picture above: Evangelist Asbjørn Skjortnes preaches the gospel in Latvia.

Asbjorn Skjortnes visited again Latvia from the 19th to the 21st of August 2011. This time he visited the following churches: “Latvia Pentecostal Church” in the city Aizpute where Guntis and Inga Engelis are the pastor couple, “Living Word Church” in Pziekule where Andis and Elena Riepsa are the pastor couple and “Emmanuel Pentecostal Church” in the city of Liepaja, where Anatoly and Tatyana Guk are the pastor couple.

The message of the Cross of Jesus Christ was preached simply and clearly in the meetings and the Lord confirmed the word with the accompanying signs. The preaching also challenged people to reach out more to unbelievers with the gospel.
God’s grace and love touched many people to salvation and healings. In total, over 30 people said yes to the invitation to accept Jesus as their saviour these days.

One woman testified that she had received back her sight after prayer. She demonstrated this by telling us exactly what the clock that hung on the wall showed.
A young girl received her hearing back in one ear after the prayer.
Many testified that the neck and back pain disappeared and crooked backs straightened up and legs that were too short grew out.

Luba was healed after more than 10 years of pain.
The picture above: Luba from Liepaja, Latvia witnesses with joy of her recovery from neck and back pain. She has been suffering with pains for over 10 years after an accident.

Luba came to the meeting at Emmanuel Pentecostal Church in Liepaja. The congregation consists of both Latvian and Russian Christians. It was fantastic to experience the unity that existed between the believers, regardless of nationality.
After an accident for over 10 years ago, Luba had constant pain in the neck and back. She went regularly to the doctor to get strong pain medications and injections to endure everyday life. One encounter with Jesus on Sunday afternoon in the Emmanuel Pentecostal Church was life-changing. After the prayer all the pain in her body was gone, her back straightened and the suffering she had had for over 10 years was over. Luba testified about God’s goodness (see picture above) and praised God for what He had done in her life this afternoon. The power of the gospel was revealed in Liepaja.

Asbjorn Skjortnes will continue to visit churches in Latvia for a weekend a month. This autumn he will also have meetings in Ukraine and Russia.

Pray that God’s kingdom will prosper so that the churches can continue to grow in Europe.

Churches in Latvia was strengthened in their faith!

International Missions Reports Posted on Sun, May 22, 2011 21:27

Picture above: The pastor couple Arnis and Modra Morniece in the “Christ Church” , Dobele, Latvia and evangelist Asbjørn Skjortnes.

Evangelist Asbjørn Skjortnes visited again Latvia from the 6th to the 8th of May 2011. He visited the “Christ Church” in Dobele, where Arnis and Modera Morniece are the pastor couple. In addition, he visited the “Living Word Church” in Jurmala, where Leonid and Galina Filimonov are the pastor couple.

The focus of the preaching was: “Come, for everything is now finished”!

The proclamation of Jesus’ finished work on the cross, was the theme of the meetings and the response was great. During the meetings, many people said yes to Jesus. Asbjørn also inspired the churches to reach out to the non believers with God’s gospel of grace.

Immediate healings.

Several testified also about immediate healings. One man testified that all the pain in his shoulders and arms were gone after prayer. The suffering he had had for many years disappeared and he was thrilled that he managed to lift both his arms after the prayer (see photo belove).

Picture above: The man on the picture witnessed that all the pain in his shoulders and arms was gone after prayer. He had been suffering for many years and was very excited that he managed to lift both of his arms again.

Another man had struggled with pain in his back, neck and arms for years. After prayer all the pain disappeared and he testified thankfully about his healing.

A woman who had not managed to lift her left arm for over 10 years because of calcification and severe pain, managed to lift her arm after the prayer and all the pain was gone.
Another woman testified that she was healed of arthritis. The pain was gone after the prayer and she was able to walk normally.
One woman also testified that her leg was healed and the pain disappeared as she sat in the audience and heard the preaching. She stood up in the hall and walked normally. Then she came forward and testified about what the Lord had done.

Several others testified that pain in back, neck and legs was gone after prayer and the legs that were too short grew out.
The Lord’s mercy and compassion to the sick people was really evident in these meetings and the churches were strengthened in their faith and grew to the glory of God.

The meetings in Latvia continues.

Asbjørn will continue the meetings in Latvia for a weekend a month and this fall there will be additional meetings in Ukraine and Russia.

Please pray with us for a big harvest in Europe!

The power og God was revealed to salvation and healing in France and Belgium!

International Missions Reports Posted on Tue, May 10, 2011 20:01

Picture above: Asbjørn Skjortnes preaches God`s gospel of grace in “ The House of God Church” in Gent, Belgia

Evangelist Asbjørn Skjortnes visited the “Good News Church” in Lille, France where Dimitri and Nina Pasichnik are the pastor couple, from the 9th to the 10th of April 2011

Asbjørn also visited the “The House of God Church” in Gent, Belgium, where Arthur and Tanya Nazarjan are the pastor couple.
Both churches have many young members. They also have a modern and fresh worship and a strong children’s and youth work. These churches express a great heart for people and has experienced continuous growth and progress.

Asbjørn Skjortnes was invited to have evangelistic meetings in order to reach unbelievers with the gospel. The focus of the preaching was Hebrews. 13:8: “Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday and today yes forever.” What Jesus did in biblical days, he does also today, His love, mercy and compassion is the same for people today.
The focus of the preaching was to inspire the congregation to reach the unbelievers with God’s gospel of grace.

Many people were saved and healed.

During these two days, 83 people have been saved and many testified immediate healings.
Several testified that they received their hearing back after prayer. Many also testified that neck- and back pain disappeared during prayer and too short legs grew out.

Picture above: Pastors Dimitri and Nina Pasichnik, and evangelist Asbjørn Skjortnes.

Pastor Dimitri in “Good News Church” testified that all of his back pain disappeared after prayer.
In “The House of God Church” a woman who had had severe pain in her body since she was a small child, was completely healed and felt that all her pain disappeared after prayer.
Many people experienced God’s grace and love to salvation and healing and the churches were strengthened in the faith for a great harvest in Europe.

Living Streams Church in Iecava, Latvia experienced the glory og God!

International Missions Reports Posted on Tue, April 26, 2011 22:04

Picture above: Evangelist Asbjørn Skjortnes preached the gospel of God’s grace in Living Streams Church in Iecava, Latvia.

Evangelist Asbjørn Skjortnes visited Living Streams Church in Iecava, Latvia on the 26th and the 27th of March 2011. The pastor couple in this church is Raivo and Lasma Sastakovics. They have a big heart for reaching people and the church has an active children’s and youth work. Lasma Sastakovics is also central in Aglow `s work in Latvia. The church had invited Asbjorn to have evangelistic meetings where the focus was to reach non believers with the gospel.

Many saved.

It was wonderful to see the response to God’s gospel of grace. During the two days of meetings, 51 people were saved and many testified of immediate healings. The focus of the preaching was Jesus’ finished work on the cross.

Strong healings.

Picture above: The woman cheering enthusiastically after being cured of severe pain in her back and legs, which she had been suffering with for over 20 years.

A woman who came to the meeting had had severe pain in her back and legs for over 20 years. This woman was instantly healed. She was so excited about what happened, that she danced around the room (see photo above). A man who had not previously managed to lift his right arm, lifted his arm after prayer and testified that all pain was gone. Another man who was prayed for Saturday night had psoriasis with visible eczema on his arms and palms. The next day when he awoke, his palms and arms were clean, there was no sign of skin disease.

Picture above: The woman no longer needs to use her crutches. After prayer she was able to walk normally.

A woman who had great trouble walking, went home without having to use her crutches after prayer (see photo above). Many people testified of healings from neck-, back- and leg pain. Some also experienced that legs that were too short grew out. A woman testified that she had received her hearing back after prayer.
God’s glory and grace was truly revealed in these meetings to salvation and healing and the church was strengthened in the faith.

Asbjørn Skjortnes continues his meetings in Latvia for a weekend a month. In April, he travels also to Lille in France and in the autumn there will be meetings both in Ukraine and Russia.
Pray for continued harvest in Europe so that churches can grow to the glory of God.

Church growth in Latvia. Many people saved during a weekend!

International Missions Reports Posted on Sat, April 23, 2011 21:18

Picture above: Asbjørn Skjortnes preached the gospel in the Living Word Church in Jurmala, Latvia.

Evangelist Asbjørn Skjortnes visited Latvia from the 11th to the 13th of February 2011. This time he visited Ventspils Christian Centre where Jonas Dudovis is pastor and the Living Word Church in Jurmala, where Leonid Filimonov is pastor. Altogether, 52 people have been saved and many also testified of healing.

Picture above: Many people came forward on the invitation of salvation at the meeting in Jurmala, Latvia

Many drug addicts were saved.

In the church in Ventspils, several drug addicts were saved. A drug addict who accepted Jesus as his savior at the meeting, was also at the same time instantly healed from severe pain in his legs. He danced around and praised the Lord .Another drug addict in the same meeting, found that after he accepted Jesus as his savior his back pain disappeared.

Picture above: Asbjørn Skjortnes prays for the sick.

Many sick were healed.

Many sick testified of healings in each meeting. One woman was able to lift her arm after prayer, she had had severe pain in her arm for several years. After prayer her arm worked normally.
Many testified that back- and neck pain disappeared after prayer and legs that were too short grew out.
The focus of the preaching this weekend was “The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation and healing for all who believe”. In every meeting the Lord confirmed the word with the accompanying signs. God’s grace and mercy was manifested in the meetings and the churches were strengthened in the faith.

Asbjørn Skjortnes will continue to travel to Latvia and have meetings in cooperation with local churches for a weekend each month. In addition to Latvia there will be meetings in Lille, France in April and in the autumn in Ukraine and Russia.

Please pray that the churches will continue to grow to the glory of God.

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