Picture above: Evangelist Asbjørn Skjortnes and pastor couple Kaspar and Tatyana Roschin from “Grace Church”, Jelgava.

Evangelist Asbjørn Skjortnes visited churches in Latvia from the 23. to the 25. of September 2011. He visited the following churches: “Grace Church” in Jelgava, where Kaspar and Tatyana Roschin are the pastor couple, “Good News Church” in Riga, where Andrey and Zinaida Chebotarev are the pastor couple and “Living Word Church” in Jurmala and Kalnciems where Leonid and Galina Filimonov are the pastor couple.

The focus of the preaching this weekend was on God’s Gospel of Grace. In all the meetings people were saved and healed. In total, 47 people said yes to Jesus. It was also wonderful to see that several drug addicts came to the meetings and received Jesus as their savior.

During the meetings were wonderful testimonies from people who experienced God’s healing power. Many testified of healings from back, neck, leg and abdominal pains. The pains disappeared after prayer. Some also saw that too short legs grew out.

A lady healed from severe pain and suffering that she had had in more than 30 years.

Picture above: The woman raises her hands and praises the Lord for healing from suffering and pain that she has had for over 30 years.

A woman who arrived at the meeting in Jelgava told that she had had great pain and suffering in the neck, back and legs for over 30 years. She was so troubled that it was difficult for her to walk forward for prayer. After the prayer all her aches and pains were gone. Many people in the meeting were moved when she lifted her hands and praised the Lord for healing (see photo above).

Asbjorn Skjortnes also taught the churches how to reach the non believers with God’s gospel of grace. It was great to see the response to the message. Several people in the churches brought non believers in the meetings and they were saved!

Asbjorn Skjortnes continues the meetings in Latvia for a weekend a month. In November, he also travels to Ukraine and Russia.

Pray that God’s gospel of grace expands so that the churches will continue to grow.