On the picture above: Evangelist Asbjørn Skjortnes and Pastor Volodymyr Ilchuck ( to the right for Asbjørn) with the leadership in “The Full Gospel Church Hosanna” in Rivne.

Evangelist Asbjørn Skjortnes visited several churches in Ukraine from the 9th to the 16th of September 2012. He visited the following churches: “The Rock of Salvation Church” in Krasylik where Yura and Natasha Pasichnik are the pastor couple, “The Grace Church ” in Slavuta where Leonid Pasichnyk is pastor, “Hope Christian Centre” in Gannopil where Sergij Kononchuk is pastor, “Gods Army” in Salvuta where Volodymyr Ilchuck is pastor. The focus of Asbjørn Skjortnes` preaching in the meetings has been on God`s great loveplan and Jesus`s finished work on the cross. The responses in the meetings have been overwhelming.

Many people have experienced salvation and healing

The man on the picture above praises the Lord for complete healing in his right shoulder, after prayer he managed to lift his arm without pain.

In all the meetings, many people have been saved and healed. People have witnessed about strong instantaneous healings. Some blind people have testified that they have been given sight after prayer. Deaf people have testified that they have been hearing again and many have testified to healing from pain in the neck, back, shoulders and legs. Several have testified about healing from arthritis and paralysis. Some testified that one leg that was too short grew out after prayer. One man in the meeting in “The Rock of Salvation Church” in Krasylik had aches and pains in his right shoulder. After prayers, he managed to lift his arm without pain and discomfort ( see photo above).

Healed after a car accident

A woman who came to the meetings in “The Grace Church” in Slavuta had been in a car accident and was seriously injured. She had been suffering from pain in her body for 18 years. Her husband began to cry with tears of joy when he saw his wife`s leg that was about 5 inches shorter than the other grow out and her spine straightened up. All the pain disappeared and she lifted her hands and praised the Lord for healing ( see photo belove).

The woman on the picture above praises the Lord after being healed of the injury from her car accident.

God`s grace and mercy was revealed unto salvation and healing in the meetings in Ukraine and the churches were strengthened in the faith.

Our gratitude goes to the Lord for the miracles He did. In December Evangelist Asbjørn Skjortnes will have meetings in Latvia and in 2013 he will have new meetings in Ukraine, Lithuania and Russia.

Please pray with us for a continuing great harvest so that the churches can grow.