Photo above: Gunlaug og Asbjørn Skjortnes.

Evangelist Asbjørn Skjortnes visited again Latvia from the 2nd to the 4th of December 2011. He visited the Evangelical Church in Dobele, The Word Church in Riga and the Living Word Church in Jurmala and Kalnciems. The focus of the preaching was that the Gospel is a great joy which shall be to all people. For today is born unto us a Saviour in the city of David, he is Christ the Lord ( Luke 2: 10-11). As we enter into the Christmas holiday season , it is important to remember that Jesus came to this earth as the Saviour of the world. The Gospel is not just for the Christian, but the message should go out to all people, into all the world.

Many people were saved

The response was positive among the non believers in Latvia. In total about 75 people have been saved this weekend. Many testified about specific healings from pain in back, neck and legs. Soma also saw that legs that were too short grew out. A woman arrived at the meeting with crutches because she had severe pain in her legs and difficulty walking. After prayer, all her pain disappeared and she left the meeting without needing her crutches. Another woman with back and neck pain, which she had been troubled with for many years, was completely healed. God` s grace and mercy of salvation and healing was manifested in these meetings to the glory of God.

Photo above: Christmas in Jurmala, Latvia.

Looking back through the year of 2011

During the year of 2011 Asbjørn has visited both large and small churches in Latvia, Ukraine, Russia, France and Belgium. In total more than 500 people have been saved and many have testified of healings from various diseases and ailments. Also blind people have received their sight, the deaf have received hearing back and people who have been paralyzed have risen. The churches have been strengthened in the faith. All glory to Jesus!

God has opened new doors

During 2012 , we aim to reach even more countries. We will have meetings in cooperation with local churches in Latvia, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, France, Belgium , Lithuania, Italy and Poland.

We thank you for your faithful prayers and financial support

Without you we would not have been able to reach the people. You have stood with us and invested in the salvation of souls, and thus you will also get your reward in eternity. Although it seems like what we do is just a drop in the vast human sea, we have chosen to give our lives to get as many people as possible with us to heaven.

A great harvest

Time is short and the Second Comming of Jesus is at hand. Let us work while it is still day! We are now seeing the start of a great harvest in the Muslim countries. I believe that the last great harvest before Jesus returns will be in Europe. Therefore pray that God continues to open new doors for the Gospel. Pray also that we get more supporters in 2012, so that we can focus even more and reach more people with the Gospel. We have great expectations for the new year about what the Lord will do!

We wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a blessed new year.