Photo above: Asbjørn Skjortnes preaches the Gospel in “The New Testament Church”, Perm , Russia

Evangelist Asbjørn Skjortnes visited Ukraine and Russia in November 2011. First he visited the ” Rock of the Salvation Church” in Kraylov, Ukraine from the 5th to the 8th of November. Yura and Natalia Pasichnyk are the pastorcouple of this church. Asbjørn has visited this church before. People in this church expresses a lot of warmth and love for people and they have a vision to reach new people with the Gospel. Then from the 11th to the 13th of November Asbjørn visited “The New Testament Church ” in Perm, Russia. Here Edward and Larissa Grabovenko are the pastor couple.

Edward Grabovenko is Head Bishop of the Russian Church of Chrisitans of Evangelical Faith. The New Testament Church has around 4000 members. On Sundays they have to have three Church services to accomodate all meeting visitors in the great Palace of Culture, which the church has puchased. They have also founded 200 other churches in their region and have a vision to start 400 new churches around Russia.

Photoes above; “The New Testament Church”

Many saved.

The focus of the preaching of evangelist Asbjørn Skjortnes was that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and for ever. What Jesus did for people in the Bible days, He will do for people today. Asbjørn inspires the congregation to get involved in church planting and to reach new people with the Gospel. During these days about 150 people said yes to Jesus as their savior . Many testified about their healings; neck and leg pain disappeared after prayer, people experienced that too short legs grew out and backs straightende ut. Others testified that they were cured of pain.

A woman could walk without her crutches after prayer

Asbjørn also prayed for the sick between the meetings. In one occasion he was invited home to a couple who belonged to th “Rock of the Salvation Church”. The woman in the house had been bedridden for about a year because she was paralyzed . After prayer she got up out of bed and walked without crutches ( see photos above). It was a miracle that moved many. Another woman was healed of major back pain. After prayer she went normally without her crutches. A man with severe pain in the right shoulder felt that the pain disappeared after prayer, he managed to lift the arm without any problems. A woman who had severe pain in her arms was instantly healed after prayer and lifted her arms and the pain was gone. A man who had been blind in one eye for about 8 years, saw clearly after prayer. Another man with vey limited vision testified that he saw clearly after prayer.

Church planting

In ” The New Testament Church”, there were so many sick people present during the meetings that eventually it was not possible to lay hands on each and everyone, therefore Asbjørn prayed a mass prayer for all the sick. God confirmed the Word with the accompanying signs and every where people lifted their hands in the air to indicate that they had been healed during the mass prayer. God`s love and mercy unto salvation and healing was obvious to many people in Ukraina and Russia to the glory of God.

Evangelist Asbjørn Skjortnes will continue his mission trips next year in Latvia, Ukraine and Russia and he will be involved with the local pastors to plant new churches.