On the picture above – from left: Andrejs and Irina Konovalovs, both officers and leaders for the Salvation Army in Riga and Jelgava, and evangelist Asbjørn Skjortnes.

In the recent years, meetings around Christmas time in The Salvation Army in Riga, have been a tradition for Evangelist Asbjørn Skjortnes. In 2016, Asbjørn continued this tradition by visiting The Salvation Army in Riga and Jelgava again from the 17th -18th of December. Andrejs og Irina Konovalovs are officers and leaders for The Salvation Army in Riga and Jelgava, and their tasks are to serve and lead. The local leader in The Salvation Army in Jelgava is Jelena Veselova.

On the picture above: The local leader in The Salvation Army in Jelgava, Jelena Veselova.

The parole of the Salvation Army is: «Soap, soup and salvation». Their work is wonderful, and they save many homeless people with food, clothes, and the gospel. The Salvation Army in Riga is also in charge of a rehabilitation center for drug addicts.

On the picture above: Evangelist Asbjørn Skjortnes preaching the gospel

The main massage in Asbjørns` sermon this time, was from Romans 1:16:

« For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believe; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. »

Asbjørn preached about what the gospel really is :

The Gospel means the good news about what Jesus did on the cross. He dies on the cross instead of us. He was our substitute and took our place. This means that we do not need to be judged for our sins, but can receive free salvation. The gospel is the power of God. Some people use their entire life to pray about power. The good news is that the Gospel is already power to every single people who hear it. You do not need to pray for power. Receive the good news, and you have received power! The power is in the Gospel. We believe in the Holy Spirit, but the power of God is redeemed when we preach the gospel. The gospel is the power of God to healing and Salvation, right now!

The Gospel is the power of God to all those who believe.

Isaiah 53.1. «Who that believed our report? And whom is the arm of the Lord revealed? »

Isiah 53, 4-5: «Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, mitten of God, and afflicted. Burt he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.»

The good news is that Jesus took our transgressions and sins so that we can receive the gift of forgiveness. Jesus took our diseases and pain so that we can receive healing and live a life in health. Believe in the gospel!

The response from the meeting has been overwhelming

On the pictures above: The benches were filled up by homeless and people in need in Riga and Jelgava.

The response from the meeting has been overwhelming. About 150 drug addicts and homeless repented to the lord in these meetings. Several people experienced healings from different diseases and illnesses in all of the meetings. The compassion of Christ, and his love was revealed for many of the people and they received salvation and healing. We are truly thankful to Jesus for his endless faithfulness and grace.

Asbjørn will continue his meetings in 2017

Asbjørn will travel to Split in Croatia from the 17th -19th of February, and to Syktyvkar in Russia the 30th of March to the 2nd of April 2017.

He will also continue his meetings in Russia, Latvia and Croatia during 2017.

Pray for a continued harvest and growing churches for a great growth in the kingdom of God. Thank you very much for your economical support and prayer. We wish our dear partners and prayers a great Christmas holiday and a happy new year.

In Christ – for those who not yet believe.

Asbjørn, Gunlaug and Victoria Skjortnes